Home » In a CA bill that takes effect under NDAGAGS, employees will certainly have the ability to articulate their concerns concerning any kind of type of discrimination, not simply unwanted sexual advances. Ex-interest worker IFEOMA OZOMA assisted in drafting the costs (EMILY BIRNBAUM/PROTOCOL

In a CA bill that takes effect under NDAGAGS, employees will certainly have the ability to articulate their concerns concerning any kind of type of discrimination, not simply unwanted sexual advances. Ex-interest worker IFEOMA OZOMA assisted in drafting the costs (EMILY BIRNBAUM/PROTOCOL

by Elaina

A CA bill aims to let workers under NDA gags speak out about any discrimination, not just sexual harassment; ex-Pinterest employee Ifeoma Ozoma helped draft it  —  Ifeoma Ozoma took a huge risk last year when she publicly alleged that she faced racist and sexist discrimination during her time at Pinterest.